How to choose your plastic surgeonTips for picking a good plastic surgeon:Disclaimer: There is no specific medical advice found here. Contact your own doctor for specific medical advice. Just what's on my sometimes random mind. Use info here at your own risk. I've always believed that a diversified knowledge base helps one become a well rounded expert in one's chosen field. I work with Dr. Tammy Wu is who is a board certified Plastic Surgeon. Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. I am not a plastic surgeon. I am a General Surgeon. I am board certified - board certified by the American Board of General Surgery which is different from the American Board of Plastic Surgery Back to: Rising
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Plastic Surgeon - how to pick one.Board CertifiedCheck to see if your doctor is board certified. Okay... I've heard this many times. But is this enough? American Board of Plastic Surgery certifies Plastic Surgeons. Can any doctor call themselves a cosmetic or plastic surgeon?Yes So how do I ask my doctor about board certification?Patient: Is your doctor board certified? Doctor's office: Yes. Patient: Okay. Great. Thanks. But I'd also like to know by which board? Doctor's office: The ABPS (American Board of Plastic Surgery).
What about that symbol that so many people look for?The significance of the plastic surgery symbol
Choosing an plastic surgeon isn't all that easy, but the above is a start. What else can you do to help choose your plastic surgeon?Determine what procedure you want to have and find out how experienced the doctor is in doing those procedures. You could ask the plastic surgeon himself/herself Choosing a plastic surgeon - personality also matters.Plastic surgery is a complex process. You have to work with someone who you are comfortable and can trust. What's the difference between a cosmetic surgeon and a plastic surgeon or a cosmetic physician?There is a difference. Plastic surgeons with ABPS certification don't usually call themselves cosmetic surgeons or cosmetic physicians. Does the ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgery) or the ABPS (American Board of Plastic Surgery) have anything on YouTube?Not that I can find as of this writing (10-31-08) In your office, Surgical Artistry, who is the board certified plastic surgeon, board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery?Dr. Tammy Wu, who practices plastic surgery. I (Dr. Calvin Lee) am a general surgeon, I sometimes assists in plastic surgeries. I also have a separate practice of general surgery and acupuncture. Are there physicians who are not board certified by the ABPS (American Board of Plastic Surgery) that you would trust?Many of these folks are my good friends. It depends on the procedure and their experience. In general the ABPS and ASPS makes it easier to pick surgeons who have gone through extensive plastic surgical training through formal testing and residency training. Who are some plastic surgeons that you know?We know a whole bunch. We just started working on this online list: Board Certified Plastic Surgeons that we personally know
© 2008 Calvin Lee. All rights reserved. Written in Modesto, CA. http://www.risingpianofire.com/how-to-choose-a-plastic-surgeon.htm |