What's So Special About Green Tea

Tammy Wu and Calvin Lee, Picture taken Sept. 2008. 
Modesto Blog

Green Tea: What's so special.

Grean Tea - the craze:

Disclaimer:  There is no specific medical advice found here.  Contact your own doctor for specific medical advice.  Just what's on my random mind.  Use info here at your own risk. 

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Green Tea - what's so special about green tea.  greanweb visitors to green tea resrouce

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Scientific research.... - well, I'm just writing here what some claims have been for Green Tea.  I haven't done the research myself.  A lot of this research comes from population studies - these aren't the most convincing of all studies.  Just reporting a summary here of what's out there about green tea.  Keep in mind that too much of a good thing is also bad.  There's such a thing as green tea overdosing (keep the cups under 10 cups a day - should be safe for green tea).  I'm not making any comments here about green tea supplements.

All teas come from...

  • Same Plant:  Camellia Sinensis
  • Green tea, Black tea, and Oolong tea - white tea too.
  • The processing method creates the different types of tea.
  • Of the three listed above, green tea contains the highest content of various antioxidant compounds called polyphenols.


  • Polyphenols have been shown to be beneficial in fighting certain cancers
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Help prevent food allergies
  • Reduce the risk of infections including the flu
  • Ruduce the effects of aging.
  • Vitamins C and E and beta carotene have been found in green tea.
  • Floride is found in green tea as well which can helpl reduce plaque formation and bacterial infections in the mouth (green tea mints claim this also helps to prevent bad breath)
  • Floride = reduction of tooth decay (cavities)
  • Weight loss...

Caffeine in Green Tea?

Caffeine content found in green tea is about 1/4 to 1/8 that of coffee and less than a can of soda but it varies with brewing time.  I've learned from reading some Andrew Weil books that the caffeine can be cut down tremendously by steeping the green tea first in some water for a few seconds and tossing that out, then brewing your actual drink.  The caffeine is the first part to "leech" out into the water.

What is Jasmine Green Tea?

Flowers are placed on the tea leaves during the drying process to impart a floral taste to the tea.


Where does most of the green tea come from?

China, India and Japan.

How is green tea leaves processed?

Varies from region to region.  In general the best teas come from the youngest leaves and the unopened leaf bud of the plant.  The leaves are spread out to wither in the hot air.  The are then pan-fried or steamed.  They are then rolled.  Then finally the tea leaves are fired - this stabilizes the natural fragrances and flavors and preserves the green color.

Source of info about the Green Tea.

Some of the thoughts above are from me and much of it is from the internet.  You can find more info on NaturalHealthWeb.com

What are the different types of Green Tea

There are hundreds of different green teas.  Some of the common green teas:

  • Gyokuro - finest Japenese green tea
  • Bancha - table wine of green tea, made from low-grade leaves, imparting a slightly astringent flavor
  • Genmaicha - Bancha plus roasted brown rice - sometimes rice pops like popcorn.  Slightly nutty flavor
  • Sencha - a delicate, sweeter, Japanese green tea with needlelike leaves - many different grades.
  • Kukicha - twigs or stems of the tea bush
  • Gunpowder - a stronger Chinese tea, rolled into tight pellets.
  • Dragonwell - a favorite Chinese tea with flat, long leaves

In general higher quality green teas are steeped at lower temperatures and for shorter times.

So... what is White tea?

  • White tea is the uncured and unfermented tea leaf.  It comes from the same plant as green tea.
  • White tea is fast dried, not roasted, nor fermented
  • Often contains buds and young tea leaves - contains lower caffeine levels
  • White tea is the specialty of the Chinese province Fujian

White Tea compared to Green Tea:

  • White tea has more antiviral and antibacterial qualities than green tea
  • Higher Catechin levels (antioxidant flavonoids)
  • More Gallic acid and Theobromine (alkaloid found in cocoa and chocolate)
  • More Theanine (an amino acid that has relaxing and mood enhancing properties)
  • Caffeine content is actually similar (green tea vs white tea) - it just depends on the variety of tea, cut, and the leaf, adn the method of steeping (and length of time)
  • Less floride than in green tea.
  • Many prefer to brew white tea longer (10 minutes) than green tea.